Along with its significant roster of subsidiary companies, Power Corporation of Canada (Power Corporation) manages one of the largest pools of wealth in the country, with assets totalling over C$445.5 billion.3 Power Corporation’s complex web of subsidiaries includes the insurance, investment services, communications, media, energy, waste and mineral extraction sectors. Through its controlling share of key subsidiary Power Financial, Power Corporation operates two of Canada’s largest non-bank financial services and insurance companies: IGM Financial and Great-West Lifeco.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank or TD is a Canadian multinational banking and financial services corporation. TD Bank is the second-largest bank in Canada and the 31st-largest bank in the world.4

With branches across Canada and customers in more than 50 countries, the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) is among the world’s 25 largest banks. Its net income in 2017 totalled US$7.9 billion,5 making it one of the top financial institutions in Canada.

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) is a Canadian Crown corporation that manages funds held in the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). Acting on behalf of 20 million Canadian contributors and beneficiaries, the CPP is one of the largest private equity investors in the world, with over $368.5 billion in its entire portfolio.6

Established in 1817, the Bank of Montreal (BMO) is Canada’s oldest bank and one of its largest, with eight million customers across the country. The company has three main subsidiaries: BMO Harris Bank provides commercial and retail services in the US, BMO Capital Markets provides investment management and BMO Nesbitt Burns is its investment advising firm.

The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) is one of Canada’s oldest banks—2017 marked its 150th year in business. It is also one of the largest. Its four business units—personal banking, Canadian commercial banking and wealth management, American commercial banking and wealth management, and capital markets—control an asset base topping C$565 billion.7